【整理合集】新冠肺炎新闻报道项目索引 COVID-19 News Coverage Index
COVID-19 News Coverage Repository Index
Here are some libraries of in-depth reports or personal narratives on the novel coronavirus outbreak in China.
COVID-19 News Coverage Repository Index
Here are some libraries of in-depth reports or personal narratives on the novel coronavirus outbreak in China.
- 2020新冠肺炎记忆:报道、非虚构与个人叙述(持续更新)
- nCovMemory: Coverage, Non-fictions and Personal Narratives on Updates
- https://github.com/2019ncovmemory/nCovMemory
- Open-Source-COVID-19(原 OpenSourceWuhan)
- 新冠疫情开源平台项目合集 A collection of Open Source projects during COVID-19
- https://weileizeng.github.io/Open-Source-COVID-19/china
- 疫情专题信息整合站点
- Information Integration on COVID-2019
- http://jiayou.beiyouren. cn/jiayou
- 2019-nCoV 疫情信息导航
- Information Navigation on COVID-2019
- http://nav.werty. cn
- 新冠肺炎互助手册(实时更新)
- COVID-19 Help Manual (LIVE Update)
- https://shimo.im/docs/XYjcX9XxJJtxTDpr/read
- A2N | 新型冠状病毒最新疫情信息合集
- Anti_2019_nCoV | Latest Information Collection of COVID-19
- https://shimo.im/docs/9qrcKpDxHGttRkvP/read
- 武汉·人间
- Lives in Wuhan: Shouts Under Masks
- https://www.wuhancrisis.com
- 未被记录的Ta们
- Victims: Unrecorded
- https://www.notion.so/Ta-2af4f6e044d94e4580d399dc1d9b2fc5
- 记录肺炎
- COVID-2019 Memorial
- https://www.jilufeiyan.com
- 2020 Wuhan Individual Stories
- 肺炎疫情下的个体记录
- https://github.com/jiayiliujiayi/2020nCov_individual_archives
- 公众号文章存档: 2019-nCoV
- Archive of WeChat Official Accounts: COVID-2019
- https://2019-ncov.sogiecn.com
- 时代透镜 武汉肺炎疫情
- Time Lens: Epidemic in Wuhan
- https://github/wuhan-coronavirus/
- 2019新冠肺炎-全球报道
- COVID-2019: Global News
- https://2019ncptoday.news.blog/
- Internet Archive of 2019-nCoV
- 疫情网络备份
- https://www.notion.so/Internet-Archive-of-2019-nCoV-49f563331d4145c1865f6cc8f0c05132
- Academic-nCoV
- 疫情相关学术信息
- https://github.com/Academic-nCoV/2019-nCoV/wiki
- 2019肺炎疫情新闻赛博坟场
- Cyber Cemetery of News on COVID-2019
- https://telegram/wuhancensored
- 新冠病毒实时新闻梳理
- Live: News Timeline on COVID-2019
- https://covid19-chronicle.com
- 《发哨子的人》转载与衍生作品汇编
- Whistle Sender: A Collection of Reprints and Derivative Works
- https://www.notion.so/whistlesender/9e55925fb9de42ad97286a16abf8df65