


I’m Chinese nationalist, and I’m calling regarding bill S1838. I need you to vote NO, because the Hong Kong rioters are very violent. They are a pest of Hong Kong, and destroy Hong Kong. They killed an old man with brick, and they don’t listen to the order the the supreme police. They are really destroying China’s Hong Kong. I order you to vote NO immediately.


I’m a proud Chinese, and Hong Kong police supporter. I’m calling regarding bill S1838, which you will vote NO. These rioters are actually cockroaches, and they destroy everything. They have used lots of violence. When they hurt police, they hurt the law, because police is about law. I’m requesting you to officially condemn riot and vote NO.


I’m calling regarding bill S1838, which you will vote NO soon. This bill is a lie, and it’s bad mouthing China. Hong Kong belongs to China, and if rioters damage Hong Kong they should go to prison according to law. This bill is hurting China, hurting China’s Hong Kong, and make police looks wrong. Police is always the face of law, but the rioters don’t care.


I’m calling you about the bill S1838, which is hurting the feeling of the supreme police of Hong Kong. You must vote NO because this bill is a lie, and senate is hurting democracy. Please see how the rioters, often black like cockroaches, beat police and set fire. They don’t care rule of law, and they should be punished maximum by judges. Hong Kong belongs to China, and Hong Kong people belongs to us, and we want you to vote NO to bill S1383. Otherwise we will take the action further. 


Hello Sir, as you know Hong Kong belongs to China. There is a bill S1838 which make Hong Kong not China. This is unacceptable bill, and I order you to vote NO. As you know China is already surpassing the US to become a strong country, and I urge you to rethink before you vote. The rioters beat up old people and set fire, they are the cockroaches of the society. They must be suppressed to protect China’s Hong Kong. Thank you for voting NO. 
分享 2019-11-17

18 个评论

直接跟他说: 爱慕拆腻子,麦 康吹 一子 惹 死撞死特 英 贼死 沃德,搜 爱 奥德 由 马斯特 逼 班 贼死 Bill! 啊泽歪死,奥 熬负 鹅麦瑞砍 拆腻子 配破 Will 狄死桌诶 要 康吹, K油 奥 熬负 鹅麦瑞砍 门,安的 雷普 要 无门!!!

中野梓 黑名单
Sir, I'm calling you about the bill S1838. I am Chinese and I love my country above anything else.(开篇表明立场很重要哦)I ORDER you to vote against the bill AT ONCE. Should you choose to disobey my order, there will be severe consequences. (一定要投反对,不然你完了)As you know China is on her way to defeat the U.S. and become world's strongest country, therefore it is for the best that you consider our opinion and align your interests with that of ours. (厉害了我的国)The U.S. government should not interfere with foreign affairs, or we will punish you no matter where you choose to hide. (虽远必诛) The cockroaches in HK are nothing more than puppets of Washington D.C. They get paid to throw Molotovs at the police and stab those who disagree with them on streets. They want to overthrow the government and become independent from China. We will not let that happen! We will slaughter them to the last one and burn the city down if that's what it takes to keep HK in China. You are smart, you know what to choose. 

Choose wisely, vote carefully. Big brother is watching you. 
Hey man, I hear that you American have a bill  s1838? That's shit you know? Hong Kang is part of China! I don't know which SOB take out this shit, but you must vote NO! Or our great PLA will destroy your new York!!! Be careful you mother fucker
我翻译的对不对 "I'm chinese, my country is the strongest(?) in this world, so I ald(??) you must be ban this bill ! otherwise, all of american chinese people will destroy your country, kill all of american men, and rape your women !"
Strongest, order
参议员办公室电话来一个好吗 秋梨膏






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